Let me start off by asking why so many people don't vote? I don't understand it. The essence of democracy is that the people have a voice, that voice is your vote. The forefathers made it that way because they were sick of living in a feudalist society, in which the rich had control over everything. In the last election, I think it was something like 40 percent voter turn out. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE? Someone in China or Cuba would sit in a jail cell for 10 years, if that had just ONE chance to vote on the leadership of their nation. What's the deal, are people just lazy? Do people actually sit at home on Super Tuesday and say "You know honey, I wanna get my fat ass out of this lazzy boy, and go decide the future of our nation, and the coarse of history for many years to come, but there's a special episode of Married With Children coming on. The future can wait." And you know what scares me, is that probably really does happen every year.
Something else that really ticks me off are people who complain about how the system screws them, but then go on to add that they don't vote because of it. You know, when all the suckers that are getting screwed by the government say they're not gonna vote, guess what you get? FEUDALISM!!!!! The powerful and wealthy making the working mans life as bad as possible, without even thinking about it. You know I don't really think that anyone who doesn't vote should have the right to complain, BECAUSE I DON'T WANT TO LISTEN TO YOU ANYMORE! OK It's simple, on the first Tuesday of November go down to the local High school and pull one of the freaking levers, OK. And maybe just maybe we can make this country great once again.
You know the less people that vote the more radical groups move in, like the Christian Coalition. Which I consider to be a dangerous cult! And guess what folks the more government positions they are elected too, the closer they get to CONTROLLING your thoughts, ideas, and your own body. Theoretically if they could take control of congress, get Ralph Reed elected president, and pack the supreme court full of right wing extremist god fearing men, they could actually rewrite the constitution. The Moral of the story is that if you don't wanna live in a conformed Quaker collective where we all must think, act, and be the same, GET THE HELL OUT AND VOTE!!! Unless of coarse you want to see what hell on earth is like!
You know it still baffles me why the people elect dumb asses like Jesse Helms, Al Damato, and strom Thurman to represent them. Jesse Helms and Strom Thurman two good old country boys who want every American to be armed to the teeth. what's does it take to lose an election? I mean Strom Thurman voted against all civil rights and women's rights bills back in the 60's. And then we have good old Senator Al Damato who has an IQ of 3, yet he stills heads up all the ethics investigations. This guy makes Dan Quayle look like Albert fuckin Einstein.
Just go out and vote, but don't vote for the first person who promises you a tax cut. Research the candidates and pick the one that you fell will be the best for the nation as a whole. Don't get selfish and vote for the one that only helps you (This is what the rich conservatives do). Vote for the one who will make this country great, vote your conscious. Thank You.
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